Half Cross Stitch

AKA:  Tent


Uses:  Good for all areas.  Not suitable for upholstery:  low durability

Front Side Of Half Cross
Backside Of Half Cross

Look at the graph and you will see the numbering system for creating the first row of stitches.  You will travel from left to right on your canvas.  Come up at 1 and back down at 2.  The needle will come up, again, at 3 and down at 4.  Continue doing this until you have reach the end of your row. 


Second row is just as the first except you will travel in the left or opposite direction. 


Please note, every other row will create stitches which come out of a "dirty hole", used square on the canvas, and into a "clean hole."


Because the stitch doesn't use much yarn on the backside, this stitch is economical.


Never use this stitch on mono canvas since the stitches have a tendency to disappear.